Thus, we accept content from contributors who have an industry expertise and exceptional writing skills. In order to save time for everyone involved; make sure you submit around 2-3 headline ideas and a brief description of what your post will cover. This way we can choose which one would be the most interesting! Pick two or three potential headlines for your article before even getting started.

Add relevant topics such as the industry’s evolution, the importance of industry, top industries, etc. If the image is protected by copyright, the link and information should be provided. The article must be written and owned by the submitting author. You must include copyright free images wherever required to make the article more visually appealing. We are excited to work with new people and gain more readers through our blogs.

The topic should be researched well to make unique and quality content. Writers and experts having the skills to develop engaging content can partner with us. Write for Us+Industry,you need to put the internal and external links in the article at the appropriate location, as a team will tell you. Here, the company provides time flexibility to write in your comfort zone.

When doing your research, pull quotes from other sources that help to enhance your piece, and include them in your blog. Do you have the ability to excite our readers with an in-depth look at what’s happening in the industry? Write about your stunning conversion rates, your success with real-time bidding, or other areas where you could be considered an authority on the subject. Avoid using sentences in the passive voice as it may look tacky. Use short sentences along with short paragraphs (3-4 sentences per paragraph is perfect). Include images , use bullet points, numbered lists, and other visual elements.

Make sure whatever you send has some takeaway for the readers. Provide up to 3 links of your most successful blog posts that is similar to what we are looking for and accepting, per the above guidelines. The bottom line is that Chatter Buzz wants to help content marketers thrive and become the best in the industry. By writing for us, this is your opportunity to become an authoritative voice in the digital marketing field. Write For Us Industry Guest Post, we informed you of the topics to be covered and other guidelines that you must follow while writing your content. Please take reference for all details to write an Industry Guest Post.

All posts must be at least 600 words, but long-form content (1,000+ words) is accepted and encouraged. Two relevant links should be attached to the content to divert the audience to the given website. The gaming section is popular among global online gamers looking for regular updates and tips to play the new game. The news section contains the latest and unbiased news based on internet research for a global audience.

It will help you to give a stage to showcase your expertise and valuable ideas/knowledge So that you get a stronghold yourself as an authority figure within your market. Helping in building relationships with market leaders and increasing your audience. Writers and experts can share their individual experiences by writing for Industry guest posts and enrich the global audience with their thoughts.

Once you publish the article on our website, you cannot republish it anywhere else. By submitting this form, you explicitly agree to Mobisoft InfotechPrivacy PolicyandTerms of Service. Send us your article via Google doc and make sure it is shared externally and we can edit.

Sharing their unique ideas on our platform will also allow them to check reader responses from different countries. Do you have the passion and inclination to share your knowledge and experience of a particular industry by writing relevant content? Each of us is related to some sectors, and there are many facets of each sector. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it. But you don’t need to wait for an idea that will redefine web design.

The byline needs to go to someone in a relevant role, Sales Manager (for sales-related topics), Customer Success Manager . Please, send a short bio (2-3 sentences) along with the headshot and links to social profiles of the author. We’re looking to provide new, clear information that helps our readers. Please don’t send over articles on really broad topics or something we have already covered. We publish articles of anywhere between 600–2,500 words, depending on subject complexity. Articles may be casual in tone and content—great for less-intensive tutorials and posts—or rigorously structured and edited.