Read the guidelines for the Sold Short department for more details . Alternative Journalsis a Canadian magazine and blog publishing ecology and environment stories . Research, politics, climate change, and sustainability are their preferred topics. Sign up for their newsletter to receive calls for proposals on specific themes. They’re interested in investigative features, reports, interviews, profiles, guides, and more. You don’t have to cover federal or international politics to write for Yahoo.

Search through other similar stories for more guidance on pitching. Or better yet, just do site searches, because politics and social justice stories are everywhere. Then go follow your preferred editors on social media. And check out their detailed and helpful writer guidelines.

Not surprisingly,The Atlanticdoesn’t have writer guidelines . So read the politics section and research heavily any ideas you have before you pitch them. The Boston Globe Magazine and blog are open to paid writer submissions for their Perspectives column. They’re looking for timely news topics (social justice and politics are always in the news and practically guaranteed to get readers’ attention).

We will work closely with writers to bring work up to the standard we think is publishable in New Socialist. We do not publish comment-style pieces (e.g. the Guardian ‘Comment is Free’ section). We regret that we are also currently unable to take on investigative reporting, as we do not have the budget to provide legal support for this work. World Politics Review publishes original analysis, reporting and opinion on international affairs. Since 2006, we have published the work of hundreds of expert contributors around the world.

If you don’t get an answer after 4 weeks, consider it an invitation to pitch them something different. Heads up politics and social justice writers, you can pitch them your ideas too . Their writer guidelines could use a refresh, but you already know how to do your own research, don’t you?

You can address all levels of politics, right down to what’s going on in your own neighborhood. Yahoo accepts personal essays related to politics and memories of major events. It also publishes commentaries, opinions and stories about your city or state. This is another publication that has both a print magazine and a website that updates daily. Jacobin publishes left-leaning articles on a variety of political topics, from unions and wages to borders and immigration.

This is a left-leaning magazine that also has a website. It publishes nonfiction and poetry related to politics, culture and climate. The New Republic also publishes reviews of politically-based books, so if you have a take on a recent book, this could be the place to publish your thoughts. Before submitting, please read through our general political and ethical principles.

If you do not hear from us within three business days, please feel free to submit your article to other publications. Our editors operate Redaction Report on a voluntary basis and all hold down day jobs. Please do not be offended if we take some time to respond to your pitch. If you have not heard back from us within 10 days, you can assume your pitch has been unsuccessful.

New stories, new developments in older stories, and most importantly verifiable fact-based stories. They call themselves a multimedia site so you’re welcome to pitch them ideas with photography, video, audio, interactive graphics, and more. And this news, politics, and social justice site doesn’t want completed articles. Salon is technically a lifestyle site with a heavy dose of politics, perfect for freelance politics writers who lean more to the left. If you can find a political angle for your topic, you’ll have a better chance of getting a yes. Read through the blog to get a sense for how to pitch them.