By allowing other websites to feature your content, you can attract new readers and followers who may not have discovered you otherwise. Use images that will really helpful for the readers to understand the article. That should be at the end of post (Author Bio, that provides a back link to your blog . If your article is promoting your own product, do not use promotional language. Try to use an impartial language about your product and don’t forget to include images, videos, screenshots or any other type of media that facilitates the entry. If your article is based on another, you have to refer to it in the references section of your article.

We’re looking for guest posts on topics related to cybersecurity, Information Technology, AI, quantum computing and any other innovative technology. Preference will be given to articles revolving around security but any technology article can be published on securitymadesimple. The Heimdal Security blog is the winner of the Most Educational Blog Award Europe in 2016and a finalist in the 2022 European Cybersecurity Blogger Awards.

Written art and your desire to contribute ideas on the web, most especially if it’s about security. Thankfully, Be Safe is here to provide you with an online platform so you can show the world your innate talents. From humble beginnings, Hashed Out has grown into one of the most popular cybersecurity blogs on the internet.

This practice is used by individuals and companies to protect themselves from unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems. Please send us a word document including images or video URLs that are part of your post. Please don’t be upset if we recommend some changes; we want your post to be successful.

Our editorial team will go through it and let you know if we think it’s a good fit. Writing for Computer Tech Reviews is not only a way of becoming known in the field of the web but it is also a great way to help the community of technology. Daily new users consult to seek help on the development of web applications and new technologies.