Beauty writers typically cover fashion and beauty trends, upcoming products, and services in the industry. One of the biggest misconceptions about beauty writing is that you need to be an expert to break in. If you have a love for social media and have a marketing flare to you, social media writing is a great niche to own. If there are local charities and initiatives you’re passionate about, reach out to them and offer to do grant research (this doesn’t have to be paid work). They might lean on you when they’re writing their next grant proposal. If you love telling stories, these ‘customer success stories’ can be a lot of fun, once you learn the required format.

Startups seeking funding often need to create a sizzling-hot business plan or CIM to impress investors. If you love learning what makes a business tick and can tell a good story, these freelance writing gigs are for you. And they start at several thousand dollars in pay and go up from there, depending on complexity. Having a freelance niche can make all the difference in your earning potential as a freelance writer.

Check this niche out at or simply Google “ trade magazine” to find pubs in the industry you know. I agree ­— I look forward to the return of “travel” as a good freelance writing niche for many reasons. Karen MacKenzie is a freelance writer and Smart Blogger Certified Content Marketer.

It’ll help you get experience in the industry before going out on your own. You can also promote yourself as a chatbot copywriter on social media and guest post in niche publications like Chatbots Magazine and Chatbots Journal. The problem is, when learning how to make money writing, many writers aren’t aware of all the different types of freelance writing gigs that offer better pay. This profitable freelance writing niche sounds easy, but it’s challenging to do well. You’ll need to create content that can gain readers’ attention, in direct competition with all the noise in their email in-box.

The niche you choose should be one that you are somewhat familiar with or have an idea of the industry behind the niche topic. If this is the sole intention of writing a post, it is recommended that you notify us prior to submitting an ad-hoc article. We will take care of it in the event that it’s one you created.

Whitepapers are in-depth, detailed guides that report about a certain problem. The goal is to aggravate a problem a company’s target customer faces and explain how their product or service solves it. Start by finding a client you’d like to work with and reading the technical documents they already have.