The team will review your article and decide whether it is a good fit for the site. Not all submitted content will be published, we’ll only pick those that show potential and best align with our audience and values. It took me ages to plan that trip so I wrote up all my findings and now my Two Weeks in Vietnam Itinerary is the second most popular post on my blog.

However, please do not send us any request without reading the guidelines because we would reject requests that do not adhere to our guidelines. Send your topic ideas before you submit your story. But, that shouldn’t stop us from providing the best content for every travel experience and journey out there. The article must be 100% original content, not published anywhere before. Once it is published on ViaTravelers it cannot be published anywhere else.

If it reads well and gets all the necessary points across, it’s the right length. Help other travellers plan the perfect route around a country, city or region. Aim to save readers money, fuel and time whilst showing them places they might have missed out on otherwise. If you want to write for us, please familiarise yourself with our website. Your article is much more likely to get published if you understand what we do and who our audience is.

We’re happy to announce that we’re starting to accept guest posts. We’re doing our best to make this site the ultimate travel source for those who don’t have more than 24 hours on a certain destination. We prefer to travel bloggers or anyone who loves to travel and has a track record of writing great content. We may need to review samples of your work before accepting your submission.

We would be more than happy to present you as a travel blogger on our site, link to your blog as well as sharing your post all over the social media. Your article will also be featured on our Instagram and Facebook pages as well as our monthly newsletter. ” Why, after reading your post, should someone take a trip to the location or do the acitivity you’re writing about? We love facts and personal stories, but ultimately we want to know why we should spend our time, money, and energy on your topic. These can be essays, blog posts, or time-sensitive newsworthy topics, such as advice about an upcoming event, or a write-up to bring social awareness to a certain destination.

It can be a combination of still images, videos, and words. The more you brainstorm, the more ideas you’ll have. We have put together a neat infographic that you can share with your friends which highlights the Art of Travel’s open platform publishing policy. Activities that aren’t unique to your destination.