References to an XML data element within an Object element SHOULD identify the actual element pointed to. Where the element content is not XML the reference should identify the Object and the Reference Type, if given, SHOULD indicate Object. Note that Type is advisory and no action based on it or checking of its correctness is required by core behavior. KeyInfo is an optional element that enables the recipient to obtain the key needed to validate the signature. KeyInfo may contain keys, names, certificates and other public key management information, such as in-band key distribution or key agreement data.

Undergraduate students, Vernam Lab offers you an opportunity for a cutting edge research experience and MQP . In the past few years, we have worked on the design of secure hardware and software, advanced design methods for secure chip design, first-of-a-kind prototypes of secure chips, and much more. It is further RECOMMENDED that implementations also implement algorithms that lead to the same results as ECDSA over the P-384 and P-521 prime curves; these curves are defined in Sections D.2.4 and D.2.5 of FIPS 186-3, respectively [ECC-ALGS]. Note that if X509Data child elements are used to identify a trusted certificate , the complete set of such elements that are intended to identify a certificate SHOULD be integrity protected, typically by signing an entire X509Data or KeyInfo element. Replace any element node E with E plus all descendants of E and all namespace and attribute nodes of E and its descendant elements.

We describe a new classifier for potential VPCs, which uses information in the Google Web1T corpus to perform a simple linguistic constituency test. Specifically, we consider the fronting test, comparing the frequencies of the two possible orderings of the given verb and particle. Using only a small set of queries for each verb-particle pair, the system was able to achieve an F-score of 78.4% in our evaluation while processing thousands of queries a second. Next, we describe an algorithm that builds a parse in one syntactic representation to match a parse in another representation. Specifically, we build phrase structure parses from Combinatory Categorial Grammar derivations.

General treebank analyses are graph structured, but parsers are typically restricted to tree structures for efficiency and modeling reasons. We propose a new representation and algorithm for a class of graph structures that is flexible enough to cover almost all treebank structures, while still admitting efficient learning and inference. In particular, we consider directed, acyclic, one-endpoint-crossing graph structures, which cover most long-distance dislocation, shared argumentation, and similar tree-violating linguistic phenomena. We describe how to convert phrase structure parses, including traces, to our new representation in a reversible manner. Our dynamic program uniquely decomposes structures, is sound and complete, and covers 97.3% of the Penn English Treebank. We also implement a proofof-concept parser that recovers a range of null elements and trace types.

Diplomacy is a seven-player non-stochastic, non-cooperative game, where agents acquire resources through a mix of teamwork and betrayal. Reliance on trust and coordination makes Diplomacy the first non-cooperative multi-agent benchmark for complex sequential social dilemmas in a rich environment. In this work, we focus on training an agent that learns to play the No Press version of Diplomacy where there is no dedicated communication channel between players. We present DipNet, a neural-network-based policy model for No Press Diplomacy.

For this reason, XML digital signatures have a provision for indicating canonicalization methods in the signature so that a verifier can use the same canonicalization as the signer. The input and output requirements of this transform are identical to those of the XPath transform, but may only be applied to a node-set from its parent XML document. Note that it is not necessary to use an XPath expression evaluator to create this transform. However, this transform MUST produce output in exactly the same manner as the XPath transform parameterized by the XPath expression above. This specification REQUIRES implementation of Canonical XML 1.0 [XML-C14N], Canonical XML 1.1 [XML-C14N11]] and Exclusive XML Canonicalization [XML-EXC-C14N]. We RECOMMEND that applications that generate signatures choose Canonical XML 1.1 [XML-C14N11] when inclusive canonicalization is desired.