elephant, trunk, tusks @ Pixabay

This is the second photo I have posted today. The first one is a photo of my youngest son, and this was the first one he had taken on his iPhone.

It seems that many of us are still unaware that there is a new generation of photographers out there. It’s a hard habit to break because you are still only one generation removed from the cameras that were used to take pictures of the real world. The second generation of photographers has been introduced to the world of the digital camera, and these have been the first to see the power of the digital camera. Now they are being exposed to the wonders of the smartphone.

The point to all this is that some images can be taken by the camera and then printed out by a computer. Others can only be photographed by the digital camera.

The point is that taking photos with a camera is a very personal thing. Even for professional photographers, there are a few rules that should be followed to maximize the quality and quantity of the results. First, make sure to take the perfect picture. The better the picture, the more people will be able to see it. Even if you are a casual photographer, there should be a few rules that you can follow to maximize the quality and quantity of your results.

The rule of the “perfect picture” is one of the most important principles that I follow. The better the picture, the more people will be able to see it, and the more people will read it. The rule of the “perfect photo” is simple. It’s all about the composition. The more a picture is composed, the more people will be able to read it.

The rule of the perfect photo is a simple one. A good picture is one that looks good on the screen. It is a simple and straight forward rule. No exceptions to this rule.

The rule of the perfect photo is actually a very general one. The rule of the perfect photo is that a good picture is one that appears to be made by a professional photographer. It is a rule that applies to photography in general. When you take a picture, you use your own brain to assemble the pieces of your image. The rule of the perfect photo applies to both shooting and editing.

People with great photographic skills are a rare breed, and it’s not always easy to find them. The rule of the perfect photo is that good photography is not about how good your camera is, but how good your eyes are. Most people don’t have the ability to look at a picture before they snap the shutter. They can look at a picture they already have in their mind and simply say “that’s a nice picture”.

As a photographer, I have to admit that the rule of the perfect photo is hard to follow at times. My own rule is that if I can’t figure out a picture is good enough, and my eyes are good enough, I will not edit it.

That being said, there are times when I take a photo and I dont like the way my eyes are. Maybe my subject is not as clear as I thought, or maybe I can’t see the color that I want to see. Maybe the background of my photo is too dark for me to see. Whatever the reason, the rule of the perfect photo is to get the best photo that you can.


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